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Kulturwissenschaftliche Fakultät

Lehrstuhl für Geschichte der Frühen Neuzeit – Prof. Dr. Susanne Lachenicht

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CfP 1st Lake Starnberg Summer Academy "When History meets Theory..."

25. - 28. Juni 2023, Bernried

Much has been said about the cultural turns and how they have changed how we think and write about the past. Yet, empirical historical monographs all too often lack a concise theoretical framework that organizes an analytical perspective on their research topics and themes, guides their work with the sources, structures their historical reflexions, and informs their writing process. Thus, there frequently is a disconnect between the theoretical claims of a historical monograph and how it actually pursues its research.
The 1st Lake Starnberg Summer Academy takes this discrepancy as analytical point of departure to discuss how historians make use of theory in their emerging work. For more information, please click here. Please send a CV and a short abstract of your research topic by 15 May 2022 to susanne.lachenicht@uni-bayreuth.de.

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