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Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

Chair of Early Modern History – Prof. Dr. Susanne Lachenicht

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2024    2023    2022    all years

Date News
02.12.2024 Guest lecture by Prof. Dr. Gesa Mackenthun (Rostock)
14.11.2024 Lecture by Prof. Dr. Susanne Lachenicht as a part of the international conference "Narrating Revolutionary Events in Cultural Memory"
12.11.2024 Lecture by Prof. Dr. Susanne Lachenicht as part of the international conference “American Politics and the Memory of the Revolution (18th-21st centuries)”
24.10.2024 Prof. Dr. Susanne Lachenicht: Lecture and co-organization of the conference: Preußen zwischen Nation und Transnation
31.08.2024 CfP: 9th Summer Academy of Atlantic History
02.05.2024 CFP: Challenging Concepts in Refugee History
12.04.2024 New publication and guest editorship by Prof. Dr. Susanne Lachenicht
03.04.2024 Opening speech by Prof. Dr. Susanne Lachenicht: "At Home Abroad: the Spatialities and Temporalities of Uprootedness and Belonging in the Early-Modern Period"
14.12.2023 Guest lecture by Prof. Dr. Iwan Michelangelo d'Aprile: "Therese Huber und Wilhelmine von Bayreuth. Weibliche politische Autorschaft in der deutschen Aufklärung".
31.10.2023 Master Global History: Guest lecture by Prof. Dr. Stefanie Gänger (Universität Heidelberg): ‘Of all maladies the most common’. Historicizing Fever, 1770-1830
23.08.2023 8th Summer Academy of Atlantic History
14.07.2023 Job postings: Student assistants wanted at the Germanisches Nationalmuseum in Nuremberg
13.07.2023 Publication: 20 years of the journal "Diasporas" with a contribution by editorial board member Prof. Dr. Susanne Lachenicht
08.07.2023 Lecture by Prof. Dr. Susanne Lachenicht „Hugenotten in Brandenburg-Bayreuth – Internationale, transregionale und lokale Perspektiven“
25.06.2023 1st Lake Starnberg Summer Academy: "When History meets Theory..."
21.06.2023 Lecture by Prof. Dr. Susanne Lachenicht "ZeitRäume von Flucht und Exil – Zur Konstruktion von Zeit und Raum in hugenottischen Life writings"
14.06.2023 Lecture by Prof. Dr. Susanne Lachenicht „Qui est le souverain? Von der ‚absoluten‘ Monarchie zur jakobinischen Republik: Die Absetzung Ludwigs XVI. von Frankreich“
12.06.2023 Prof. Dr. Susanne Lachenicht guest on the podcast "Der Rest ist Geschichte"
09.06.2023 podcast on DLF Nova "Eine Stunde History" with Prof. Dr. Susanne Lachenicht to the constitutions of the French Revolution
18.05.2023 podcast on DLF "Der Rest ist Geschichte" with Prof. Dr. Susanne Lachenicht on the historical background of the current protests in France
17.04.2023 Lectureship in the history of the early modern period
14.04.2023 Free research semester
08.02.2023 guest lecturey by Peter W. Walker and Melissa Morris (Wyoming/Leiden)
07.07.2022 Annual Conference of the Bavarian America Academy "Representations and Uses of the American Revolution in Past and Present"
16.06.2022 International Conference "Political Journalism at the Crossroads of Media Change and Democartization" (17th to 21st Century)
14.06.2022 guest lecture by Sr. PD Dr. Nicole Grochowina: "Konfessionelle Polemiken zu Martin Luther und Katharina von Bora im 17. Jahrhundert"
01.06.2022 Welcome
19.04.2022 CfP 8th Summer Academy of Atlantic History
18.04.2022 CfP 1st Lake Starnberg Summer Academy "When History meets Theory..."
14.03.2022 People Forced to Flee (OUP): Publikation des UNHCR (Ninette Kelley) zu Flucht und Migration

Webmaster: Univ.Prof.Dr. Susanne Lachenicht

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