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Chair of Early Modern History – Prof. Dr. Susanne Lachenicht

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Summer Academy of Atlantic History 2019

6th Summer Academy of Atlantic History

Kloster Bernried, Lake Starnberg, Upper Bavaria, Germany

23 – 26 August 2023

"Multiple Atlantic Worlds"


Has there ever been one Atlantic World? And if so, who made (the) Atlantic world(s)?

Multiple Atlantic worlds emerged with research on the Spanish and Portuguese empires as well as with studies on African slavery and the Black Atlantic. While from an imperial history perspective, scholars have also treated of English/British, French, Dutch and Swedish Atlantic worlds, research on migrations, of free and unfree peoples, on religious communities, pirates, interlopers, maroons, American Indians and many other groups (and individuals) have made clear that the construction of Atlantic worlds was a rather multifaceted phenomenon. Next to the Black Atlantic, scholars have researched Green, Red, Catholic, Protestant and Sephardi Jewish Atlantic worlds. For most of these Atlantics, it is obvious that they were neither homogenous nor self-contained. Many had multiple transregional dimensions, some even on a global scale.

For the sixth Summer Academy of Atlantic History we invite applications from PhD students working on the history of the Atlantic World between the fifteenth and nineteenth centuries. While all projects pertaining to Atlantic History will be considered, we are particularly interested in applications on the multiple (interconnected) Atlantic worlds.

The sixth Summer Academy will be hosted by Prof Susanne Lachenicht, Universitaet Bayreuth, and will take place on Lake Starnberg, Upper Bavaria, Germany.

As well as providing the selected students with an opportunity to present papers and engage in discussion with tutors and their fellow students on their research, the Summer Academy will also host keynote speakers who will address broad themes appertaining to Atlantic History.

Prospective student participants should send a CV and a summary (3-4 pages altogether) of their research projects to susanne.lachenicht@uni-bayreuth.de by 31 July 2018. Successful applicants will be notified by 30 September 2018.

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Organizers and steering committee:

- Prof Bernard Bailyn (Harvard University, USA)
- Prof Trevor Burnard (University of Melbourne, Australia)
- Prof Nicholas Canny (NUI Galway, Ireland)
- Dr Lauric Henneton (Univ. Versailles-Saint-Quentin, France)
- Prof Susanne Lachenicht (Univ. Bayreuth, Germany)
- Dr Ben Marsh (Univ. of Kent, UK)
- Prof Philip D. Morgan (Johns Hopkins University, USA)
- Prof L.H. Roper (SUNY New Paltz, USA)
- Prof Bartolomé Yun Casalilla (UPO, Seville, Spain)

Contact Info: 

Prof. Dr. Susanne Lachenicht

Chair of Early Modern History

Universitaet Bayreuth


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