Summer Academy of Atlantic History 2010
1st Summer Academy of Atlantic History
Bayreuth, Germany
Program and Conference report
Atlantic History is an organizing concept for the study of the Atlantic Ocean rim. It emphasizes inter-regional and international comparisons and draws attention to historical phenomena that transcended national borders. The field of Atlantic studies has been very productive for about a generation now. It has generated original studies, new ways of looking at familiar objects and also tools for looking at objects hitherto overlooked by traditional, nation-centred historiographies. It has also generated much methodological reflection.
European scholars of Atlantic history have recently begun to get together within European-based structures, such as the EEASA (European Early American Studies Association) or the REDEHJA (Réseau pour le développement européen de l'histoire de la jeune Amérique). The first Summer Academy of Atlantic History, supported by the EEASA, is to be held in Bayreuth from August 30 to Sept. 3, 2010. It aims at fostering cooperation and exchanges among the 'rising generation' of Atlantic historians. Postgraduate students (MA as well as PhD candidates) are welcome to apply. The Academy will consist in a mix of lectures and thematic workshops with distinguished tutors from around the Atlantic basin. Keynote lectures will be given by Prof Nicholas Canny (Galway) and Prof Trevor Burnard (Warwick).
The general theme chosen for the first Academy is "Atlantic history in the Past, Present and Future", but candidates with research projects across the spectrum of Atlantic 'fields' may apply. Workshop topics will be as follow:
- Atlantic Migrations,
- Religious Networks and Tolerance,
- Trade and Commerce,
- Correspondence,
- Atlantic Revolutions,
- Wars, Diplomacy and Imperial Competition,
- Political Culture and Nationalisms,
- (Re)Constructing Social Relations.