Lachenicht, Susanne
1685 : date de mémoire
In: Diasporas : Circulations, Migrations, Histoire Bd. 40 (2022) . - S. 129-132
Lachenicht, Susanne
Early Modern Diasporas as Transnational Nations : The Examples of Sephardi Jews and Huguenots
Yearbook of Transnational History. Volume Five
Vancouver : Farleigh Dickinson University Press, 2022. - S. 41-72
Lachenicht, Susanne
Facing Two Revolutions : Contemporaneous German Public Opinions of the American and French Revo ...
In: Revue Française d'Études Américaines (2022) Heft 173. - S. 97-110
doi:10.3917/rfea.173.0097 ...
Lachenicht, Susanne
Hugenotten im 21. Jahrhundert - Geschichte und Gegenwart : Zur Wiedereröffnung des Hugenottenmu ...
In: Hugenotten Bd. 86 (2022) Heft 2. - S. 39-54
Lachenicht, Susanne
Langages d'asile, langages de tolérance?
Exil, asile : du droit aux pratiques ; XVIe-XIXe siècle
Rom : École Française de Rome, 2022. - S. 213-224 . - (Collection de l'École Française de Rome; 594)
Depkat, Volker; Lachenicht, Susanne
Nations, Nationalism, and Transnationalism Revisited
Yearbook of Transnational History. Volume Five
Vancouver : Farleigh Dickinson University Press, 2022. - S. 1-39