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Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

La chaire d’histoire moderne – Prof. Dr. Susanne Lachenicht

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Lachenicht, Susanne
Between Macro and Micro History : Scales in Migration Studies
In: Yearbook of Transnational History Bd. 7 (2024)

Lachenicht, Susanne
Global trade and its benefits for "the nation" : the examples of early modern France and Britai ...
Agents of European overseas empires : Private colonisers, 1450-1800
Manchester : Manchester University Press, 2024. - S. 23-44

Lachenicht, Susanne
Rezension von: Gwynn, Robin D.: The Huguenots in Later Stuart Britain. Volume III. The Huguenots and the Defea ...
In: The Huguenot Society Journal Bd. 37 (2024) . - S. 72-73
doi:10.3828/huguenot.2024.37.11 ...

Lachenicht, Susanne
Rezension von: Thomas, Jack: Les Protestants du Languedoc et la justice royale de Louis XIV à la Révolution : ...
In: Historische Zeitschrift Bd. 319 (2024) Heft 3. - S. 695-697
doi:10.1515/hzhz-2024-1349 ...

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