Lachenicht, Susanne
Rezension von: Gómez, Pablo F.: The Experiential Caribbean : Creating Knowledge and Healing in the Early Mode ...
In: H-Caribbean : H-Net network on Caribbean Studies (2025)
Lachenicht, Susanne
Hugenotten in Brandenburg-Bayreuth : Internationale, transnationale und lokale Perspektiven
In: Hugenotten Bd. 89 (2025) Heft 1. - S. 3-16
Lachenicht, Susanne
Huguenots and Their Global Distribution
French Globalization Projects. 1. Auflage
Göttingen : Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2025. - S. 45-62 . - (Handbooks of Globalization Projects; 1)
doi:10.13109/9783666302176.45 ...